Agradecer todo o apoio dado ao meu filho ao longo de todos os anos que ele frequentou a IH.
- Candidato a exame Cambridge e aluno da IH Coimbra OSC
For me, taking the Cambridge exam was something to remember, everybody is so organized. In any inconvenient situation the solutions were always found instantly. The staff is very friendly and funny which makes all your stress go away and stops the pre-exam worries. I believe that if these conditions do not fade away, in the future, more and more students would take the exam with pure joy.
- Candidato de um dos nossos parceiros
Theres not really much to suggest for improvement for "exam experience" as it is all programmed by the schools and the teachers. My experience while being in the exame was as normal as in normal "school exame types", so just keep going like that!
- Candidato de um dos nossos parceiros